
Apartment complexes moon township pa
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With a focus on enhancing local workforce development efforts, this White House will join with partners on the ground to support technical education, job training, and pre-apprenticeship programs. The Biden Administration designated the Pittsburgh region as a Workforce Hub earlier this year. Western Pennsylvania can, and will, once again lead the way in American manufacturing.” Federal investments in our airport, workers, infrastructure, and industry will help make this vision a reality and spread greater shared prosperity across our community. Biden, Secretary Buttigieg, and Acting Secretary Su see Western Pennsylvania’s potential-that's why they’re here. “Now we are rebuilding our infrastructure and manufacturing right here at home, and creating good, union jobs to fuel this new economy. Many thought that our region’s manufacturing had no place in a globalized society. “Western Pennsylvania helped power America’s industrial revolution, but lousy deals left our community out to dry. They visited the Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and sites related to the regional “Investing in America Workforce Hub” to discuss ways the local community is working together to expand pathways to good-paying jobs for rebuilding our infrastructure. Jill Biden, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to Pennsylvania’s 17 th Congressional District. Today, Congressman Chris Deluzio (PA-17) welcomed First Lady Dr.

Apartment complexes moon township pa